Centrum pro filosofii, etiku a náboženství zve na konferenci Wittgenstein and Philosophy for the 21st Century, která se koná 9. a 10. září 2022.
Centrum pro filosofii, etiku a náboženství zve na konferenci Wittgenstein and Philosophy for the 21st Century, která se koná 9. a 10. září 2022.
Centre for philosophy, ethics and religion, Faculty of Arts, Charles University cordially invites you for two sessions with Prof. Mark Wrathall (University of Oxford) Session one Heidegger’s Phenomenology of Authentic Religious Life Date: WED 20.4.2022 Time: 15:50 Location: Room 217, FF UK – nám. Jana Palacha 2 For this session, please read Part One, Chapter Four and […]
Czech Christian Academy and The Center for Philosophy, Ethics and Religion, Faculty of Arts, Charles University invite you to a webinar on History of Ethical Growth Prof. Charles Taylor (McGill University) Charles Taylor is a Canadian philosopher and professor emeritus at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec. He is best known for his groundbreaking contributions to political philosophy, […]
Naše Centrum v srpnu pořádá online konferenci o roli univerzit s mezinárodní účastí. Link na připojení: https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/99399694480. Plný program je k dispozici ZDE.