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Na téma “Can the Global Trend Against Human Rights be Reversed?” vystoupí Aryeh Neier, zakladatel Human Rights Watch.
Datum a čas: 3. prosince 2018, 16:30 – 18:00
Místo: Filozofická fakulta UK, místnost 200
“In recent years, authoritarian and xenophobic nationalist leaders have to come to power, or have consolidated power, in a significant number of countries in different parts of the world. In some other countries, political movements embodying such views, have made significant gains. The cause of international human rights, which had secured advances in the 1980s and the 1990s, has suffered major setbacks. Is it possible for those committed to the protection and promotion of human rights to regain the initiative? If so, how can it be done?”
Uvede Olga Lomová
Přednášku pořádá:
KREAS – Institut pro studium strategických regionů – Centrum pro filozofii, etiku a náboženství