Centrum pro studium politické filosofie, etiky a náboženství Vás zve na veřejnou diskuzi na téma „Politická role univerzit“. Ta proběhne ve středu 21.3. ve Foyer Nové scény Národního divadla od 17:00.
Diskutovat budou:
• Louise Richardson, rektorka Oxford University
• Péter Balázs, ředitel Center for European Neighborhood Studies, CEU (Středoevropská univerzita)
• Stefan Collini, profesor dějin ideí,Cambridge University
• Tomáš Halík, Filosofická fakulta, Univerzita Karlova
Moderátorem diskuse bude Václav Štětka (Loughborough University).
Diskuse proběhne v angličtině. Simultánní tlumočení bude zabezpečeno.
Z důvodu plynulosti debaty nám prosím pošlete vaše dotazy do diskuze předem přes Facebook nebo na email matej.cibik@ff.cuni.cz. Poslední termín pro zaslání dotazu je úterý 20.3. v 19:00, akceptujeme je v češtině i v angličtine. Za zaslané dotazy předem děkujeme!
Universities are nowadays in an ambivalent position. On one hand, they seem to be very successful: there has never been so many of them, they cover a vast field of subjects and the proportion of population entering university has never been higher. On the other hand, the role of experts and academics is ruthlessly undermined in the public sphere and universities feel that they are under increasing pressure to justify their place in society. Yet while the question of academic or social role of universities (the moral role of higher education was abandoned long time ago) is reasonably well-covered, we want to open a new topic – their political role.The political role of universities plays a big part in several contemporary controversies. The discussions concerning the curriculum of US colleges back in the seventies and eighties or the contemporary struggle of several academic institutions in Central and Eastern Europe to keep their independence are just two possible examples. So what can the political role of university be? We do not want to equate the political with the social or the public. Therefore, we do want to look for a specific role of universities in contemporary politics. Perhaps there is none, and there should be no such role. Or perhaps universities are vital for the preservation of liberal democracies. Whatever will be the outcome, we believe that discussion on topic is crucial in contemporary political environment. Therefore, we would like to invite you to the following discussion.
- Česká spořitelna
- Generali Investments
- Sekyra Group
Mediální partner:
- Lidové Noviny
This event was supported by the European Regional Development Fund-Project „Creativity and Adaptability as Conditions of the Success of Europe in an Interrelated World“ (No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000734).